Monday, December 23, 2013

Horses and Keys

Yes, if you haven't guess already, a horses theme was inspired by Olivia's love of horses.  (Click here for post of her riding a pony recently and learning about grooming, saddle, etc.) And keys...well, I love keys, and I recently got some more skeleton keys for the children.  Ironically William's long-lost skeleton keys came up during this time.  He rearranged some things in his room, and he found the box of keys underneath where his dresser was.  These keys I recently acquired, though, are miniature skeleton keys, but they're oh-so-fun and neat!  I always loved skeleton keys as a child, and my great-grandmother had given me several.  I remember when she even still had doors with skeleton key door locks.

I decided to name the keys for the kids "Keys of the Kingdom" and to start them off all with one, with the exception of Elizabeth to whom I gave ten on a hemp string, because she really does no wrong.  Then at the end of each week, if the kids are deemed worthy, they receive a new key, and they each get to choose which one they want.  (The original three the oldest three chose are not pictured.)  

My discipline/guidance/training method with the children is heavily based in the "kingdom" theme, as some of you well know.  I thought the keys would be a neat theme to play on for awhile, and it goes well with the horses, because end-time prophecy uses both keys and horses as symbols.

I LOST my paper on which I typed the scriptures I used for this theme, and I didn't save it to my hard drive, either.  So no picture of the scriptures this time.

We read some horse books and read some parts out of the World Encyclopedia under "horse." 

We mostly looked at pictures of different horse breeds in Album of Horses.  This is an old copy that was my mother's or one of my aunts'.  Patch and Starlight are both learning-to-read books, so Trusten read some of the pages.

This is from a screenshot of some free books I downloaded via Kindle.  We haven't read all of these, but we read Horse book for Kids by Valerie L. Cross, Hi, I am Dolly the Famous Pony by Alice MacDonald, and Cassidy and the Rainy River Rescue by Valerie L. Cross.  The horse book was educational, but so was the graphic Dolly book.  I really liked this last one, because it was a fun children's book, but it also nicely detailed several functions a horse can fulfill, like plowing or showmanship or riding or pulling a wagon,  herding cattle, and several others. It was pretty cute!

The kids learned not only about some different breeds, but they also learned horse terms like foal, mare, stallion, etc., and just a few of the main parts of the saddle (seat, pommel, stirrups, reins). 

Source: World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 9 (1972)

Source: World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 9 (1972)

The kids and I each drew a horse.  Even Elizabeth sat with us and scribbled. 

Source: How to Draw a Horse

Liv named her horse "Oto."  She got the 'v' in her own name upside down.  LOL  I helped her draw her horse.

I'm not sure how much Trusten actually tried to follow the steps.  When I asked him what he wanted to name his horse, he yelled Trusten-style, "I don't want to name my horse!!!!"  (Okay, sweet boy, calm down.  You don't have to name your horse.) He then ripped his paper to shreds and threw it away.  :-( Glad I snapped a photo before that.

 I like how Jaden William chose to shade his horse.  He name his horse "Kaia," which is his planned-on-future wife's name.  He recently bought her a special treat at the store, wrote her a letter, and is ready to mail it to her.  His picture, though, is on my refrigerator.   I did snap a picture and send it to her mother, who is my friend.

This is the horse I drew.  I gave it the Latin name "Lordosis."  Aptly named, I think.

It was so funny.  I guess Nathan didn't see "Momma" written on the top of the paper.  He thought Jaden had drawn this one, too, and he said, "You drew that???  I thought it was pretty good for a ten-year-old."  I replied, "But not so good for a 31-year-old."  Hahahaha!  Hey, I do not claim to be able to draw well (or paint, or just about anything along those lines, and I'm not so sure any of our children inherited any such talents, either, though Nathan and I both do have artists in our families).

We watched some Amazon movies on the tv:  Black Beauty and Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken.  I'd never seen the former before.  Wow, how sad.  The latter I've wanted to show the kids for awhile, because I love that movie!  I can't remember whether both are Prime, but I know the first one is.

Liv loved Wild Hearts.  She said she wanted to be a horse-diving girl when she grew up. Ha!  Over and over and over she would say that over the course of a couple days or so.  She kept asking whether she could.  I told her I wasn't sure.  (Not so sure I'd want to encourage it, either!) Furthermore, Liv cut her hair again!!!   She was inspired Sonora Webber's character on the movie when she cut her hair.  At least Liv only cut a snippet.  How many times will that child cut her hair?  She's so sneaky, too.  Thankfully I caught her in the act, standing on the bathroom counter, otherwise she might have gotten more radical.  That makes the third time she's taken scissors to her hair, and that doesn't count my having to shave down her hair when she was a toddler from her pulling it and putting it in her mouth.

Liv played some horse games, like Girl Horse Games (Liv played "Girl and Horse Dress up" and attempted "Horse Eventing 2," but the latter proved difficult) and Horse Games ("Egyptian Horse," "Me and my Donkey").

And then I made them all a horse sandwich:

This doesn't look much like a horse, I know, and the source where I got the idea also doesn't look much like a horse.  As Liv said, theirs looks like a pig.

I saw a "Funky Lunch" one that looked cool, but I didn't find instructions, and it looked complicated and more time-consuming.

I didn't see this one until now, but it looks much more like a horse and doable.  Oh, well...maybe I'll do that still.

 I used chocolate chips, rather than peas, for the eyes. Don't they look more like horse eyes than green peas?  Anyway, notice that is the first thing Elizabeth eats! 

I came across some "key bread," which is basically challah bread shaped like keys, which is cool, but I just chose to do the horse sandwich.

Then the kids got a new dvd movie to add to their library, for just five bucks on Amazon, with Prime shipping!  They love The Indian in the Cupboard.  I remember reading the book when I was eight, I think.  Then I saw the movie years later, when it was made. 

For those who don't know, this story is about a nine-year-old boy who receives an old cupboard from his brother for his birthday, and his mother gives him a skeleton key that fits the lock.  He put his Indian toy figure he got for his birthday in the cupboard, and in the morning the Indian is alive!  It's a fun story, contains moral lessons, and it also has a horse in the movie, a toy horse that came alive with its cowboy.

And then of course I went over the scriptures I compiled and did some talking with the kids about the "key of David" and Christ and also about the horses of Revelation and false religion vs. the true Christ and more.  I also talked about wisdom and the keeping the commandments, etc. being a key.  I even threw in the war horse theme by quoting from Job. 

I also talked about the different meanings of "key," that it doesn't only unlock doors, gates, chests, etc., but it can be the unlocking of reading a map (the "legend"), or just the way of unlocking understanding (which led to certain scriptures I'd chosen on wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, etc.).  I don't want to think of and compile those scriptures again, and I can't remember every single one, so only if I find my sheet, I'll then add it to this post later. 

Well, I think that's it! 

Until next time...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Elizabeth's Second Birth Anniversary

Elizabeth Annmarie

My sweet Elizabeth turned two years of age on the Roman date December 17.  She's so far brought me two years of extreme joy!  She was a blessing I dearly needed in my life.  She's also helped me to appreciate myself more and to forgive myself of my shortcomings.  She reminds me so much of myself and looks so much like me.  Her name and her presence and life constantly remind me of my covenant with my God and the grace I am continually given, even through the most bitter and difficult times.

Many of those who have known me for years know I like us to take our children on special family trips on their birth anniversaries from the age of two on (age one is a special at-home time).  From the age of three on, I like the trips to be educational and age appropriate (for the child whose birthday it is) while still being fun.  But at the age of two, it's just fun!

I wonder whether I should have made a different choice for Elizabeth's second birthday, but we took her to Jump Zone, which is where we took Olivia for her second birthday (and her third, because for the first time ever I deviated from my tradition).  Now Olivia is quite a wild one with lots of energy and was quite adept at the age of two at climbing and jumping and such.  Whatever Olivia was far advanced in, Elizabeth is behind in, but she's got more of a laid back and meditative personality.

Soooo....Elizabeth didn't jump a whole lot.  She bounced on her knees quite a bit, no different than what she does at home on our rebounder and couch, but she didn't like to try to jump on her feet.  She couldn't climb the steps for the slides, either.  But I took her up and slid with her many times, and she seemed happy with that and her knee-jumping and rolling a ball back and forth with me.  Meanwhile her three siblings and her cousin Layla (who is only five weeks older than Elizabeth but is much like Olivia was) had a great time wildly jumping and climbing to go down the slides.  We've got video, too, but I'm not sure I want the video of me sliding with her shown...LOL.

My sister, brother-in-law, and niece came to visit (I figured Layla would love jumping with her cousins), and my mother came along, too.  The visit was short, but I was happy to see them all.

We went to Jump Zone the night before her birthday. After everyone left the next day, the day of her birthday, the kids and I spent many hours outside, enjoying the very nice sunny and warm weather.

I had made chocolate chip cookies for Elizabeth's birthday treat the day before, which she and everyone else enjoyed. 

The day afterward she received her second Citrus Lane box, which I reviewed in my previous post.  I also received birthday money for her that will allow me to buy her some new books and fun and educational toys. 

My next post will be an educational one about "Horses and Keys."

Until next time...

Citrus Lane Review: December 2013 (Toddler Girl)

For those who don't already know, Citrus Lane is a subscription service to get care parent care packages for babies, toddlers and and very young children.  The products include green toys, organic or all natural snacks, bath care items, dinnerware, books, and other infant and child items, as well as often an item for the mother.  The products are catered to the child's age and are available in boy, girl, and neutral options.

A subscription is normally $25/month, with the products you receive each month doubling or more that value.  I got a discount, and if you sign up through my affiliate link, you will receive $10 off your first box.  There are monthly, three month, six month, and annual plans, and you can easily cancel at any time.

All of my price checks are taken from

For her birth anniversary this year, I subscribed Elizabeth to three months.  We received her second box this December.

Elizabeth starts grabbing in the box.

She first grabbed at this Rainbow Stacker by Melissa & Doug ($7.20).  I actually love this stacker, and so does she, but I stored it away, unopened, because she actually already owns this exact toy.  It's one of her favorites, and she stacks it regularly, unlike any of my previous children with any stacking toy they had.  If hers happens to wear out before she outgrows it (someone threw the red piece or something, because it's cracked), then I've got a backup.  Otherwise, it will make a nice gift for another child in the future.

A book!  We love books!  "I Took the Moon for a Walk," by Carolyn Curtis and Alison Jay, a Barefoot Books item ($7.19).  We have not yet read this, but it's on the agenda this week.  I did read through it myself, and it seems a decent children's book, and it contains facts about the moon and nocturnal life in the back.  I personally love the moon and has been a source of many hours of meditation in my life.  It's a gift God gave to light up the darkness of night, which waxes and wanes, and His wonders awe me.  I think this book will be a good inclusion for a future moon study.  I'm sure Elizabeth won't mind one bit.  ;-)

This canvas by Pearhead is for hand print art to hang on the child's wall.  How cute!  I've just got to figure out when we'll do this and where I'll hang it.  ($6.50, based on dividing by four for the price of a four-pack set)

Babytime Snuggly Lotion by Episencial ($12.24).  Mmmmm....this lotion is nice.  We use a lot of oil and lotion in the winter time, and we always use all-natural lotion.  This helps our lotion bill, and it smells so nice.  So this is what Sweet E gets rubbed down with now after bathing and before snuggle time in bed. Aptly named.  ;-)

I also received a certificate for getting $40 off the Barefoot Books Ambassador Starter Kit (Regularly $139.99, now only $99.99). Visit  Expiration 01/31/2014

The print-out detailing the items and including promo codes to save money.

Overall I'm pleased with this box, though I wish we'd have received a wooden toy that Elizabeth didn't already have.  Also the value of this box isn't too much more than what the box costs, unlike many of the boxes Citrus Lane has given, but I guess not every box will be that way. 

To sign up for Citrus Lane for yourself or as a gift to a friend, click here to receive $10 off your first box, or save even more with a multiple-month subscription.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What We've... (New Moon: Tenth Month)

It's a new moon!  Happy New Month!  What we've done over the past (ninth) month...

 What We've Read...

June/July and August issues of Ranger Rick and August Ranger Rick Jr.  We're getting caught up from not having read them through the crazy summer we had.  Still so odd we skipped such an enjoyable part of our lifestyle of learning, but it will be so much fun having so much to read over the next month while we're shut up indoors from the freezing cold. 

Jaden William enjoyed a lot of reading from the Hurricanes and Tornadoes book (Eyewitness Books).

What We've Schooled...

Jaden William just got finished going over Octavian (Caesar Augustus), Herod the Great, Jesus Christ, and others in the beginning of the first century A.D. in Mystery of History (Vol. 2).  He used sources to define the three main sects of Judaism at the time (Pharisees, Saducees, and Essenes) without his iPod, since he'd lost it that day; took his quizzes, and did some mapping in the Mediterranean, including free-hand drawing the island of Patmos and cutting it out to paste, label, and file in his history notebook. 

Trusten usually does his Explode the Code at the table, but he likes to work it in my bedroom, on my bed or cedar chest, sometimes, when I'm getting the baby to sleep for a nap.

Olivia has been almost daily tracing capital and lowercase letters (and will soon do numbers and words) using the "Writing Wizard" app on my iPad.  She uses a stylus so that she can practice what it's like to write with a pencil.  Baby Sister loves to watch.  Olivia usually wants to work close to me, so wherever I happen to be, she wants to be, and in the case of my being on the couch working with the boys on something, like math, or working on the computer at the desk, that means she wants to work on the rebounder. 

What We've Done in the Kitchen...

 I've allowed Trust and Liv to work a lot more with me in the kitchen lately.  I'm hoping it won't be long before Trusten can do more in the kitchen by himself than pour things and make sandwiches.
 Practicing reading a recipe

 Cracking eggs

 Using the beater
 (which the recipe doesn't absolutely require, but it was easy beating practice)

 Grinding and measuring flour
(Elizabeth is on a child's step, watching)

More measuring and pouring flour.  They have both long been helpers in filling muffin pans with liners. That is one thing where my I'm lax.  I much prefer using liners than scrubbing muffin pans.

Trusten helped roll out one of the pizza crusts one of the two times we ate beef pepperoni pizza.

Liv filled the muffin pan and helped stir blueberry muffin batter.  She helped with the last steps in making Sabbath stew by pouring in the frozen corn and mixed vegetables.

Jaden William, of course, fixes most things on his own.  He fixes breakfast for us at least once a week.  His favorite thing to make is pancakes.  He does a good job.

What We've Been Eating (and Drinking)...

Does anyone love food pictures as much as I do?  Mmmm!  Pumpkin pie, homemade corn dogs, popcorn, salad (lettuce, chicken, cucumbers, carrots, cannabis seeds, and optional tomatoes, as I'm reacting to them again), zucchini muffins with sweetened cream cheese, chicken noodle soup, fried cube steak with mashed potatoes and white gravy and green beans, cranberry-orange muffins, and beef pepperoni pizza.

 Cold weather calls for hot cocoa!  AND little kosher marshmallows, too!

My friend Chel invited me to subscribe to Graze, which I did.  You select things you'd be willing to try, mark things you absolutely never want, and then you get surprised every two weeks with a nibble box.  This is what was in my box:

 I didn't want to keep it all to myself, so we had a little family fun. We all sat at the dining room and equally divided the stuff between us all (no nuts for babe).  It was so funny.  So it really was a very small snack for us all, but I thought it was fun.  The first box was free.  I canceled, though, because we cannot really afford it, considering the small amount you get for the price, because I can put together my own things for cheaper in the bulk section of my co-op.

What Else We've Been Doing...

Jaden William setting up the chessboard to play against his daddy

I had announced we were about to go outside, but Olivia had drawn a picture (right) of all of us (poor Na is in the middle under the scribble, as she was mad at him), and Trusten decided to quickly draw a picture, and quickly he did.  He boasted that he drew that many people so quickly.  But of course, it doesn't look as good as most of the people he can make.  I still love it!

We traded both our vehicles in for one truck, and now Elizabeth must sit forward-facing. 

Nathan has been taking two classes this fall (Accounting I and Personal Finance).  He's got an A in both, still, and this is his last week.  Hoping he finishes well.  Here he's pictured in our few minutes of relaxation after dinner, and while Jaden William worked on a puzzle, and the other three played in the living room, Nathan and I played on "Words with Friends" on our iPhones, against each other and against family and friends.   

I use natural plant dye for my hair now to cover the wide skunk strip that runs down the middle of my head. I'm pictured below taking a self-portait in the bathroom with my head covered.  And I'm thrilled to have another red vehicle and saving money.  I've been trying to finish reading some things and getting caught up on things and reordering how I do some things, because I will be starting college classes next spring semester.

Well, that's it for now!

Until next time...

Citrus Lane Review: November 2013 (Toddler Girl)

I took a chance and decided to subscribe for three months to Citrus Lane for Elizabeth's birthday present.  Citrus Lane is a subscription service to get care parent care packages for babies, toddlers and and very young children.  The products include green toys, organic or all natural snacks, bath care items, dinnerware, books, and other infant and child items, as well as often an item for the mother.  The products are catered to the child's age and are available in boy, girl, and neutral options.

A subscription is normally $25/month, with the products you receive each month doubling or more that value.  I got a discount, and if you sign up through my affiliate link, you will receive $10 off your first box.  There are monthly, three month, six month, and annual plans, and you can easily cancel at any time.

Elizabeth's first box came in November.

I believe she was confused.  She's never opened a package we've received in the mail before.  

What was inside?!

A heavy, sturdy BPA-free child's zoo plate by Skip Hop.  I was glad about this, because since we've lived in our current home I cannot use the silver-lined plates I used with the boys, because the hydrogen sulfide gas in the water ruins them.  Back when I still went to Wal-Mart every once in awhile, I bought plastic (which I despise!) child plates, but I prefer wood or metal.  This plate is some sort of plastic, but it's obviously better than the other ones, on which I absolutely do not put anything hot (they are BPA-free, too, but whatever else they have is certainly more leachable than with this plate).  And this is just plain cute!

Stock Pot & Utensils by Green Toys.  Again, I despise plastic and keep plastic toys for the kids to a minimum (and mostly they're gifts from others), but at least this company Green Toys uses recycled plastic, which supports recycling, which is something we also actively support and practice.

Elizabeth absolutely loves taking little pots out of my kitchen cabinet and grabbing utensils to play, so this was a good toy for her. She (and her sister) like it quite a bit.

Oh, was I ever thrilled to get these Bumkins reusable snack bags!  I take snacks for the girls when we're on the go, especially for when they sit through church service.  I hate using plastic baggies, and bowls are bulky, plus I only own one plastic one, and glass is obviously at high-risk of being broken by young children.  Wonderful product!  And the girls love the cute designs.

Pūr-lisse "lip comfort."  I have so far been pleased with this product.  It's that time of year when our lips get extra dry, so this was much appreciated.  I keep it in my little zipper pocket in my purse.  I also love the little bag in which it came.  :-)

Organicasaurus baked organic corn snack.  Well, if I remember correctly, I think maybe all these were eaten (Elizabeth got most of them, but all the kids and I tried one), but I personally thought it tasted wretched.  This was the only thing with which I was not impressed, and I'm not sure whether Elizabeth cared much for them, either.

The box also included four sets of address labels and free shipping from Tiny Prints, but it required a $99 minimum purchase that I don't intend to make.  I've got such an abundance of nice free labels as it is, from all the organizations that I support or have supported, etc., and I'm more than pleased with Shutterfly.   

I price-checked everything, and NOT including the corn snack, nor the labels, this stuff was worth $42+.  

I was pleased and look forward to next month's surprise!

The mustache that was perforated from the cardboard box was a big hit, too!

To sign up for Citrus Lane for yourself or as a gift to a friend, click here to receive $10 off your first box, or save even more with a multiple-month subscription.

Until next time...