I also became a [not-so-active-in-selling] consultant for Usborne, because I bought a huge order of Usborne books, and it was simply cheaper to first buy an Usborne kit, so not only did I get a great discount on the books I ordered afterward, but I got many additional books in the welcome kit, including at two books that I was going to buy, anyway.
We also enjoyed a nice visit with family, and of course the kids worked diligently on their schoolwork throughout the month.
Arkansas Trip
Spring Sing!!!! I've wanted to take my kids to Spring Sing for years. I attended Spring Sing on a few different occasions on school field trips in my elementary years. I always loved it. If you've never been to Harding University's Spring Sing, then you really should put it on your list if you happen to be in or around Searcy, AR during that week each spring. Harding is a Church of Christ school, so things are a little religiously-charged, but in my opinion, it doesn't take away from the amazing talent the drama students display. The theme for this year was "Famous for Fifteen" ("fifteen," as in the year 2015). Though uploaded videos do not come close to doing this program justice, you can get an idea of how the show works by searching on Youtube for some video clips. If you love music, this is especially for you.
In my last post, I explained how I'd gone to a student percussion recital at the University of Arkansas so that I could write one of two music essays required for my music appreciation class. I wrote my second essay based on Spring Sing.
I think Liv was upset she wasn't sitting by her cousin. There's my beautiful mother on the end.
Two monkeys eating bananas at Nana's
My Love worked hard on re-framing his dad's bathroom, building wheelchair ramps, etc. He did a great job.
Trusten loves the friendly Bud, my father's-in-law dog.
Teen waiting room. William had to get a primary tooth pulled, as it had not fallen out on its own, yet, and his permanent tooth had already come through.
Education? Yes! Knowledge, knowledge, and more knowledge. Ah...it's so good!
A peek into what I received as part of my welcome kit that I bought
Is this paradise?! Well, no...because they're not outside. But these are great!
The pictures added to the books are fantastic, too. I got additional books to the ones shown, because there were two or three discontinued, so I was able to pick out others. I already owned one of the Greek myths books, so I've got an extra. It's so great that I've got the Norse myths now, as well as stories from the Arabs. So. much. fun. reading with the kids. ;-)
Date balls! I hadn't made these in a loooong time. When I say long, I mean several years. That means, of course, that most of my kids hadn't ever eaten a date ball. What is wrong with me?! Well, I think it's because they're honestly a pain to make, in my opinion, because I don't like to form sticky balls in my hands with hot goo, before rolling them in dried coconut flakes. But I will say it was worth it, because the kids loved them. I was satisfied with eating just one.
Elizabeth's first time holding a snake. Northern rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus aestivus)
One of those days when the kids all come into the bedroom with me to do schoolwork or play
If I ever needed a reminder that there's love and goodness on this earth, I would need only to look at this precious girl.
Until next time...