Front and back of the first photo book
Front and back of second photo book
(Wow, I just realized I used a very similar, but NOT my favorite picture as the front. I just noticed it, because Elizabeth is not smiling, and in my favorite, she's giving a big smile).
We had so much fun during the snows! Nathan and William made homemade sleds.
I was really pleased with the book theme I chose, because I loved the inspirational quotes I could place on the pages of my choosing, and there were some pretty cute butterfly embellishments.
It really is a JOY to give to others and to be rewarded with their reflected joy. My children have learned that joy of giving with joy. That boy pictured above is so thoughtful of others. :-)
We really did enjoy watching a young frog transition through its life cycle (even death, sadly).
We enjoyed many walks all together as a family, and we checked on the neighbors' horses and fed them while they were gone. We saw a few rough green snakes, which I absolutely loved, because they're beautiful and interesting. It was so much fun to see them crawl and climb among the branches when we put them in trees.
We got to see quite a few amazing sights in nature this year, and the kids and I spent a lot of time outside. I spent a lot of time outside reading, in addition to our walks. I read and read and read and read, and then I did a lot of deep meditation, too. It was a spring and summer full of deep learning and reflection for me. The kids got to simply enjoy a great summer.
Choosing positive actions (like the "singing" mentioned in the quote on the right page above) actually work to bring positive feelings.
We learned about many different kinds of mushrooms and other fungi. It was fascinating. Some of them are so beautiful.
We enjoyed a family trip to Chicago. It was our first time visiting that city, besides being in the airport. It was also a learning experience as we visited the Shedd Aquarium, The Field Museum, and the Adler Planetarium.
Save for our loss of our beloved chickens, we enjoyed a wonderful fall. During the year of 2014, I personally started appreciating my life at a much higher level and starting taking things a lot less for granted.
We can't keep our sunshine to ourselves! :-) We want to share it with others.
Even though the boys gave me opposition on the day I took their fall pictures, I was content with what I got. :-)
Things don't always go smoothly in life, but we must choose happiness, contentedness. If we are to be happy, we must choose to focus on all the positive things in our lives, rather than all the negative. The negative things, the negative people...they will bring us down if we make that our focus. There's also no shortage of people we can reach out to and help in the world, and improving the lives of others also builds our own happiness.
I'm striving to enjoy my children to the fullest every day they are with me for this life journey. They are so precious.
Walking life's journey in LOVE makes sense. We are all much happier and healthier when we live our our lives in love toward others, when we all live in cooperation, as opposed to war, theft, etc. That is why when we "have really lived" when we have done things "in a spirit of love." Hate does not promote life, even in the person doing the hating. They'll self-destruct, poisoning themselves with their toxic-in-excess endogenous hormones.
We enjoyed our walks in December. We even took a picnic one day. It was so nice to spend that time with my sweet babies.
"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." -Thomas Carter
A loving heart seeks out knowledge in order to choose the most loving, beneficial ways of living and interacting with fellow earthlings. Those who don't care, who don't make any effort to grow in knowledge and act accordingly with wisdom, are not acting in love. In their ignorance, they are likely to commit unloving acts toward themselves or others. In addition, those who prohibit knowledge are not acting in love. When knowledge is prohibited or controlled, we end up with something like the Dark Ages.
2014 was a year full of growing in knowledge, appreciation of life, and an increased love toward fellow earthlings.
Coming soon in my posts for January through April 2015: our participation in university scientific research studies (Harvard University and University of Arkansas), new magazine subscription, educational plans for the next year, some awesome new nature photos, and more.
Until next time...