~10 Commandments (Ex. 20:1-17); I Chron. 29; Proverbs 11
~Rocket Readers Learn-to-Read Bible: 4 pages--2 review and 2 new
~Step into Reading Silly Sara: Will read it aloud almost all by himself
~ Explode the Code Book 1: Lesson 2, continued working on short 'a,' 8 pages, he followed instructions circling the correct pictures that begin with the same sound as the given letter, spelled words, and wrote words with short 'a' sound).
*Social Studies/History/Etc.
~Our Christian Heritage Grade One: We read 3 pages, and I read some fill in the blank statements to him, and he wrote in the correct answers. We read that good government begins by learning to let God rule in our lives and that God has rules and work for us all and that He wants us to put ourselves under His rule. Also, we read that God made all things for us, because he loves us, and the purpose of those things is so that we can use them and take care of them.
~Social Studies Made Simple Grade 1: William learned that a family is a "group of people who love each other and who work together to take care of each other. Some families are small. They may have only two people. Some families are big." I added that we have blood family and non-blood family. I also reminded him that there is physical family, and there is Spiritual family among Christians. I pointed out that God and his first-begotten and firstborn Son were a family made up of only two individuals, just like the book said that a family can be as small as two. I told him that God decided to expand His family, and I talked a little about that.
Then, I talked a little bit about a few things I did as a child for a little family history. Then, we made a family tree. We both cut out acorns, and I assisted him with writing family members' names and titles on the acorns and gluing them on a tree that I'd cut out, and we colored the trunk. We included our household, William's maternal and paternal grandparents, and his parents' siblings. The project suggested we still include those who have died, so we did include a brother of William's who is no longer living, too.
*Social Skills/Etiquette
~Being the Best Me Social Skills Practice Book B: 6 pages. He wrote his name and was introduced to two characters in the book Luis and Amanda. He learned that the book is going to help him learn to get along w/ family and friends, play fair, introduce himself to other kids, and "be the best friend [he] can be." I read different scenes to him, and he had to answer questions, follow instructions by circling things I asked, and he had to practice introducing himself to new people.
~We practice recycling and reusing. We minimize buying things that our closest recycling centers don't accept, because we don't want to throw away things that do not decay or damage the environment. So, I pulled out one of our large used yogurt containers and helped him decorate it. The particular container holds noise blowers that I let the children use for the Feast of Trumpets (we also blow a real shofar). He helped cut out construction paper, and I attached the paper to the container. Then he used a glitter glue pen to write "Trumpets" on the container, and then we both glued stars on the front and on the lid. He also made a glitter border on top of the lid. I thought he did a great job on the word. It's better than some of his regular handwriting and probably no worse than I would do.
--Leftover homemade whole wheat blueberry muffins and strawberry kefir
--Grilled cheese sandwiches, cream of tomato soup, and sliced cucumbers
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