~10 Commandments (Ex. 20:1-17); 2 Chron. 6-7; Proverbs 14
We read about King Solomon's prayer after the temple was finished.
~Rocket Readers Learn-to-Read Bible: 4 pages--2 review and 2 new
~ Complete Curriculum Grade 1:
--Unit 1 in Reading section, lesson 3--Will read four stories aloud by himself and then, upon my instruction, he underlined which of three choices was the best title for each story. He then had to read and answer several yes and no questions.
~I had him count to 100 again today, on our way to town to get groceries. He didn't do quite as well not seeing the numbers, like he does on the flash cards. Oh, he did well until 15. Then after that he needed several times of help. I haven't decided yet whether to go ahead with workbook work next week or work on this counting to 100, until he gets it down well. I imagine he could learn it along the way.
~God's Design for Science Biology--Plants: Lesson 2, "What is a Kingdom?" Yesterday, we discussed what determines whether something is alive. Today, we learned what kingdoms into which living things are categorized. Today, scientists classify things into five kingdoms, rather than the simple "plant" and "animal." However, the lesson did state that fungi had most of the same characteristics as plants (and protists were much like animals, except one-celled), except they don't have chlorophyll (are not green) and do not make their own food. Well, the bible itself does say that we are allowed to eat the GREEN herb (Gen. 1:29; 9:3), so that's consistent with what the lesson said about scientists differentiating between plants and non-green plants, the latter of which they commonly label fungi. Most people do not realize it, but mushrooms and other non-chlorophyll containing plants are unclean, or in other words, not fit for food.
We spent quite a bit of time outside today, because it was so nice--in the 50s and sunny. And in January, I'm going to take advantage of it. We even did our reading outside today.
While we were grocery shopping, William came up with another of his own expressions. Clever boy he is. Anytime he saw something he wanted and would ask whether we could get it, he would say, "Please, Momma, my eyes are burning" and "My eyes are burning for it." Hahahaha! He cracks me up.
It reminds me of I John 2:15-17: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
There are some scriptures, I know, that talk about burning with lust for things, and we've heard this expression elsewhere, too, so since he was lusting (desiring/wanting) after things on the shelves, I think it was interesting that he coined that phrase. He's funny, indeed. Well, he did get a couple of his requests, because he was a pretty nice boy today.
Also, this morning, before Nathan left, he caught a mouse out in the garage with a jar out of the recycle bin. I included a picture. :-)
Oatmeal with raw honey and cinnamon
Fettucine Alfredo
William is so cute... and his new expression is fitting - smart little guy! I can't believe he caught a mouse! That is interesting that we have 5 kingdoms rather than 2 - I'm going to have to think and pray on that some more. Perhaps the Father will help my "science minded" brain figure this one out.