Monday, October 12, 2009

Back from Feast of Tabernacles Break

I have no big school news for the week preceding our Feast of Tabernacles and 8th Day feast break.  Last week we went to Branson for the feasts, and we all had a nice time.  I did go over the plan of salvation as outlined by the feasts, as I do every feast, and reminded the boys what the Feast of Tabernacles means and foreshadows.  This always includes handing them out copies of the feast map (created by the United Church of God for use in sabbath school) that I keep in a binder.  Jaden usually does well in answering questions about the feasts and plan of salvation, but I was pleasantly surprised when Trusten correctly answered a question.  I'd come to the Feast of Trumpets, and I asked him what feast came next in the plan of salvation, and the map showed the next picture to be a picture of trumpets.  He delightfully exclaimed, "Feast of Trumpets!"  :-) 

If I know you, and you read this, you probably have already received an email with a link to our picture update, which details our feast week and includes pictures in addition to the above.  If you did not receive such an update and are interested, please contact me. 

Yesterday Jaden returned to his normal school work.  He did an Explode the Code lesson and only missed one problem!  Mondays are for lang. arts, spelling, math, and science.  He is doing well in everything.  He just started money today in math, starting with pennies.  He's learning sentences in lang. arts.  And we're still learning about mammals in science. 

We're continuing to read Proverbs every day, but I decided to stop reading the prophets to Jaden and wait until later.  I will continue reading where we left off, but instead of reading the prophets to him I've gone on to start the new testament books with him. 

And that's really about it!  There's really nothing big to report.  I've started writing in my other blog again:  Growing in Grace and Knowledge  Nathan killed two deer Saturday evening, after sundown.  Jaden watched part of the cleaning process, before he got too cold and decided to come in and go to bed. 

Oh, Trusten is counting a little bit!  I don't think I've mentioned that yet.  It's so exciting. 

Until next time...

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