Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jaden's Sock Puppets and Flamingo

I forgot to post some pics yesterday of other things Jade has made.  He likes to use my hot glue gun to make things.  He even bought some more glue sticks for the thing.  He wanted to buy his own gun, but I told him I didn't like that idea and that he could just use mine when he wanted.  ;-)

Sock Puppet:

Gluing on the nose

Trust and Liv are usually nearby watching Big Brother

The finished product--a sock puppet made by a sweet, handsome boy

Cool flamingo

He got the stuff out when my friend Jessica and her family stayed with us.  He made something for her daughter Kaia.  Kaia then made her own caterpillar, and she made a fuzzy face for me.  Jaden made a sock puppet to give as a baby shower gift to his Aunt Meg (my sister).  She is supposed to play with it for her baby.  :-)  He gave one to my mother as well.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Things We've Done...

My next blog entry I plan to post soon, and it will detail new things we're about to do (and some of what we've already started but won't discuss in this entry), new school books we got, etc.  But for now, some of the things we've done since the last entry....

Some Book Work Done...

Over the last month Jaden did spelling lessons and math word problems.  He finished the Gr. 2 math word problems and has started on the Gr. 3.  Trusten did alphabet flash cards but no longer needs to do those. 

Things We've Read...

We started getting our Weekly Readers in.  Trusten's came nearly a month sooner, so he's enjoyed four issues, whereas Jaden has just had one.  We've enjoyed our Ranger Rick and Your Big Backyard magazines, as always.  The former one expired, though, so we didn't get a September issue.  Trusten has enjoyed my reading little children's books to him much more over the past few months.  His favorites lately are the Little Golden books:  The Little Red Hen; The Happy Man and His Dump Truck; I Love You Daddy!; and I Love You Mommy!  We have several Little Golden books.  The first two I named above were two of Jaden William's favorites when he was that age and younger.  Just as I had William fill in the blanks at the end of some sentences, I have Trusten do so.  He can just about read The Little Red Hen by himself (he actually does sit down with it by himself and reads it by memory).  He fills in more than I expect him to.  He gets ahead of me.  It's fun. 

Jaden went through all of his graphic novels about inventors that he got for his birthday in just a month and a half, along with most of his six Hardy Boys books.  I think he's working on the last one or two.  He usually reads two books at a time, because he keeps a book in the Suburban for rides, and then he reads with his Light Wedge in bed at night.  I'm so glad he loves to read, though!  :-)  He likes to talk about the nonfiction ones, too.  He'll ask whether I know such and such thing.  As for fiction, I try my best to introduce him to only kosher reads, and even afterward I ask questions about what he's reading. 

Things We've Louped...

A leaf-resembling katydid that got in the house
Luna moth, Polyphemus moth, four swallowtail butterflies, and stalactite or stalagmite

The butterflies and moths were really fun to loupe.  It ended up getting so hot and so dry for so long that the butterflies and moths started dying.  :-(  It was so sad, but we took advantage of it and collected them to study.  Now, thankfully, there are many flying around again.  The tongue of one of the butterflies was positioned nicely, and the hair on the moths was awesome!  Seeing the eyespots under a loupe was also a treat.   I wish I could have gotten the picture to show up better.  That other thing is a stalactite or stalagmite that Nathan's friend Dave found when they went into our neighbor's cave.  Looking at the katydid under the loupe brought out all the more how much it was designed to look like a leaf. 

Some Plants We've Identified...

Oak leaves, pokeberry, yarrow, and others

Some cutting and pasting still needs to be done on a few of these.  Jaden will do that.  I need to read about these things and add to the index cards, and then they will find a place in our plant binder. 

Some Things Jaden Has Done...

Constructing his homemade sawing table as Trusten watches

He's hoping to find gold

Jaden has been busy with outdoor activities, as usual.  He kept telling me he needed a saw.  I didn't want him to buy one.  He already has enough tools that are dangerous enough, I think.  He finally talked his daddy into letting him buy one.  Not only that, Nathan bought the thing!  So then Jaden set to work building himself a sawing table so that he can lay his boards to saw over it.  That denim thing with the duct tape on it that he's sporting?  Why, that's the makeshift tool pouch he made for himself.  He got the denim out of the rag bag. 

He was excited one night last week, telling me excitedly that he had an idea of something to make.  He wouldn't tell me what it was.  He said I had to wait until morning to find out.  He told me that he needed to go outside for a few minutes first thing in the morning to get some materials, so I told him that was fine.  The next morning, he zoomed outside.  Not long afterward he showed me his finished work.  He had taken sticks, a thick and sturdy ponytail holder, and a big pink bobby pin to construct a round goal on a stand, and then he showed me that it was for a game.  He had also collected a small rock, and he demonstrated his invention by throwing the rock through the hoop/goal.  I was impressed.  I sure wish I had taken a picture of it right away.  He took the thing to my parents' house when I made a quick trip down there to attend my sister's baby shower, and he left it there for my mother.  He assured me that he'd be making a new one soon, so I'll be sure to take a picture of it and share it. 

He always has new ideas of inventions and things to build.  He gets that from his daddy.  :-)

The other picture is of him out roaming the yard with our metal detector.  His goal?  To find some gold.  He also wants to find out how to make gold.  You read correctly.  He wants to figure out the chemical way to manufacture his own gold.  He is so funny, but he's ambitious.  Gotta love him!

Well, that's it for now.  I am already planning my next post, so look for it soon.

Until next time...

Monday, August 1, 2011

End of Swimming Lessons, Butterfly Delights

Swimming Lessons

The boys did well during their two sessions of swimming lessons.  Jaden William was in Learn-to-Swim level 2, and Trusten was in Preschool Aquatics level 1-2.

William started out the first time with only one other child in his group, and she was too advanced for that level, so after a couple days he had the instructor all to himself, which I thought was great.  They actually started a private lessons option this year, but it cost more.  William basically got private lessons for the regular price.  He got much better at skills.  He only had a few marks on his evaluation paper for things to work on.  The second time around, he improved even more and passed on almost every skill.  He had a different instructor the second time around, though he had her last year for level 1.  I'm hoping he'll only have to take level 2 one more time next year and then pass.

William swimming back to the wall

William jumping from the diving board on his last day

Trusten did very well, too, and his teacher said that she graded him as a level 2-3 the second time around, while everyone else in the group was a 1-2, because Trusten did so well.  I'll enroll him in Learn to Swim level 1 next summer.

Trusten with his instructor

And what was Olivia doing while the boys were swimming? 

Liv and a little boy who'd been running around, showing off for her

Liv with her new sunglasses with which I surprised her (she'd been taking mine)    

Liv waved to Jaden, and afterward she'd waved to Trusten

Butterfly Garden

Some wretched little beast (maybe one of our cats) has continued to dig in our butterfly garden, but I still have a few plants in it that I water.  We've enjoyed many butterflies this year, and they love the garden, even when most things have not bloomed. 

Black swallowtail

A Question Mark, perhaps, or other anglewing or maybe a tortoiseshell

Easter tiger swallowtail and several Black swallowtails

Beautiful, sweetly-scented Dianthus

Liv smelling the dianthus

Liv letting Trusten smell the flower

More Butterflies

The following pictures were taken in the yard and in our first pasture:

Female Pipevine Swallowtail

Coming in for a landing on some wildflowers

Female Pipevine Swallowtail

Bubble Fun

Trust and Liv enjoying some bubble fun a month ago:

Feeding the Geese

The boys like to feed the ducks and geese at Lake Atalanta when their swimming lessons are over.  Their swimming lessons are at the Lake Atalanta swimming pool.  Trusten, unfortunately, had been very ugly right before it was time to feed the geese, during which time they were dressing from their swim clothes into their regular clothes.  He hit William for William's goodwill toward him and screamed at both of us, so he missed out, which I thought was really sad.  :-(  Jaden William really enjoyed feeding them our bread hills that we'd saved:

We've read the scriptures and some other books, and we've read a little from the boys' magazines, but we must catch up on the latter, to which I'm looking forward.  I love them every bit as much as they do!  We've got work on the plant project to do, and we've got to get back to math, spelling, and writing practice for William.  I took some alphabet flash cards out to test how well Trusten knew his letters, and he got all of them but five or six on the first try.  That's better than I thought he knew them. 

Here lately, I've been busy doing projects around the house and other things.  The boys have enjoyed seeing frogs, snakes, and various insects...doing boy things!  Oh, and I've mentioned wanting something for compost rather than just throwing out our scraps into the weeds.  He's been working on somewhat of a box.  Not sure whether it will work, but he so enjoys building things! 

That's it for now. 

Until next time...