Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Finished and Nearly Finished with Some Books!

William finished the Explode the Code 1 yesterday. Yay! That covered short vowels. Now, I'm going to start him on Explode the Code 1 1/2 (more practice on short vowels) and Explode the Code 2 (consonant blends). I'll switch back and forth between both the books until he's finished, and then if he needs more practice with consonant blends, I'll make him do Explode the Code 2 1/2, too.

He'll finish the Learn-to-Read bible today, and he's almost finished with Our Christian Heritage. We've recently gone over in OCH: Christopher Columbus and his voyage, the Pilgrims, the first Thanksgiving (and I explained that God already instituted a harvest feast--the Feast of Tabernacles--and that we have no need to add a new harvest thanksgiving feast in His honor), and leaders of our nation's past. So far, the leaders we've discussed are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. We have a book somewhere on Christopher Columbus that I've read several times before to Will, but it's been a while, so if I find it, we'll read that soon. We may also read more about GW and TJ, though we have read more about them in the other recent books we've read.

We finished our germination experiment for science. Everything came out the way it was hypothesized, except the jar that was supposed to be deficient in oxygen had germination. I believe there was still oxygen and that the suggestion to get rid of it did not work. Yesterday we planted some of the bean and corn sprouts. We'll see if they continue to grow and bear fruit.

Will learned more about seeds, specifically how different seeds get around in different ways. We also read about George Washington Carver, whom I think was an awesome individual. What a wonderful human being. We will soon visit the George Washington Carver museum, as it's less than an hour and a half from here. We'll do it all together as a family. Today, we're going to learn about roots.

He has gone through 2 or 3 more lessons in the reading section of the Grade 1 Complete Curriculum. He has been getting better about being able to do Explode the Code mostly by himself and the reading questions in CC. I just get him to read the story aloud to me, and then he does his work and just asks me when he needs help.

We also have done more in the book on manners and etiquette.

We finished Psalms in the bible and have started Ecclesiastes (we still do a Proverb every day). Will has sabbath school lessons on sabbath.

Trusten turned 2 on May 26. He can't seem to decide whether to be precious and sweet or wild and mean. He's certainly as cute as he can be. There's not much to report on him as far as learning progress goes. He is progressing, of course, in many ways, but as far as solid basic things that I can report, I don't really have anything to say.

We've all continued to watch the Universe dvds.

I'm about to continue reading the book Attracting Butterflies & Hummingbirds to Your Backyard. I want to purchase a book called The Firstborn Advantage. I have been studying family dynamics and physical and spiritual genetics for awhile, and I am fascinated with birth order and have discussed it briefly before. The book is on sale at Christianbook.com for $6.99. I'll see whether I can get it used for less at Amazon, and if I can't, I'll buy from from CB. I think I'm supposed to read that book. I know I definitely want to, regardless.


  1. I have wondered about thanksgiving. . .

    any other great videos you can recommend? We are trying Netflix out and need some educational stuff.

  2. I just bought a couple videos in the Drive Thru History series. Will has only watched a couple episodes, and to my great disappointment, he seems to think they're boring. I have not watched carefully, but I've heard most of the talking as I worked, and it's very interesting to me...learned some things I didn't know before surrounding the Columbus era.

    Do you have the Universe series? We're not near-finished with them. We don't like them as well as the Blue Planet and Planet Earth, but it's mainly b/c they throw everything out there like it's fact, rather than theory, and HOW can they be so confident about things way out there, including the distances, etc. Well, yk... Anyway, it is interesting to me, nevertheless, but I'd have to watch them several times, b/c the numbers and things they throw out there boggle me greatly. LOL

  3. We don't and we canceled our Netflix - just not enough good stuff to watch. I love the Blue Planet series, though! Neat captures!
