Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flowers, Floodwater, Snakes, and Worms

Throughout spring the boys picked bouquets for me.  Well, mostly Jaden William picked flowers for me, but Trusten picks flowers, too, so he added to the arrangements.  I've been needing some more flower vases for awhile, and I finally got some at the thrift store.  Now I don't have to have my flowers in a Coca-Cola glass that a relative gave me from McDonald's.  Here are some pics of the beautiful bouquets my sweet boys picked for me:

Some pictures of some unidentified, never-seen-before types of mushrooms on our property (anyone know?), a picture of what my red honeysuckle looks like this year, and a couple pics of the latest snake he caught (Western Ribbon Snake, a type of garter snake):

Now for a picture of the boys hanging out together on the hill off our back deck before it was covered with the summer weeds,  a picture of Liv in the shower after one of her mudfests, and some pics of all three kids playing in their much-beloved spring yard flood:


In the next post I'll talk about Trusten's 4th birthday and the last of God's spring feasts, Pentecost.  After that, I'll talk about JW's birthday and our butterfly garden.  Next week starts the boys' swimming lessons, and also JW turns eight.  We're planning to take him for a flight in a private plane.  He'll get some new books and other things.  He's read all of his Cul-de-Sac kid books and only has three of his historical graphic novels left, so he'll get some more of the latter.  It's cool how much he reads about and then tells me.

He asked me not too long ago who William Clark was.  I said, "Wasn't that Lewis' travel partner when they explored up and down the Mississippi River?"  He said he thought so.  I told him we could look it up in the encyclopedia.  We've done this with several things recently, but this is the example I remember.  It gives him practice on looking up things in reference books.  I do this with dictionary skills, too, when he asks about words.  Anyway, I guided him through looking up William Clark, and I told him to read the entry.  He read part of it, enough that we confirmed that is who it was.  I asked him how he knew about him, and he said he'd read about him on Poptropica.  That's an online game he play sometimes.  He sometimes interacts (to an extent, as you can choose things to say from options, not just type whatever you want) with other kids, asking them to play certain activity competition games on there, etc.  He also reads and learns things on there. 

Well, this is it for now.  I included mostly pictures, little typing, as I'm so behind. 

Until next time....

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