Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What We've... (New Moon: Tenth Month)

It's a new moon!  Happy New Month!  What we've done over the past (ninth) month...

 What We've Read...

June/July and August issues of Ranger Rick and August Ranger Rick Jr.  We're getting caught up from not having read them through the crazy summer we had.  Still so odd we skipped such an enjoyable part of our lifestyle of learning, but it will be so much fun having so much to read over the next month while we're shut up indoors from the freezing cold. 

Jaden William enjoyed a lot of reading from the Hurricanes and Tornadoes book (Eyewitness Books).

What We've Schooled...

Jaden William just got finished going over Octavian (Caesar Augustus), Herod the Great, Jesus Christ, and others in the beginning of the first century A.D. in Mystery of History (Vol. 2).  He used sources to define the three main sects of Judaism at the time (Pharisees, Saducees, and Essenes) without his iPod, since he'd lost it that day; took his quizzes, and did some mapping in the Mediterranean, including free-hand drawing the island of Patmos and cutting it out to paste, label, and file in his history notebook. 

Trusten usually does his Explode the Code at the table, but he likes to work it in my bedroom, on my bed or cedar chest, sometimes, when I'm getting the baby to sleep for a nap.

Olivia has been almost daily tracing capital and lowercase letters (and will soon do numbers and words) using the "Writing Wizard" app on my iPad.  She uses a stylus so that she can practice what it's like to write with a pencil.  Baby Sister loves to watch.  Olivia usually wants to work close to me, so wherever I happen to be, she wants to be, and in the case of my being on the couch working with the boys on something, like math, or working on the computer at the desk, that means she wants to work on the rebounder. 

What We've Done in the Kitchen...

 I've allowed Trust and Liv to work a lot more with me in the kitchen lately.  I'm hoping it won't be long before Trusten can do more in the kitchen by himself than pour things and make sandwiches.
 Practicing reading a recipe

 Cracking eggs

 Using the beater
 (which the recipe doesn't absolutely require, but it was easy beating practice)

 Grinding and measuring flour
(Elizabeth is on a child's step, watching)

More measuring and pouring flour.  They have both long been helpers in filling muffin pans with liners. That is one thing where my I'm lax.  I much prefer using liners than scrubbing muffin pans.

Trusten helped roll out one of the pizza crusts one of the two times we ate beef pepperoni pizza.

Liv filled the muffin pan and helped stir blueberry muffin batter.  She helped with the last steps in making Sabbath stew by pouring in the frozen corn and mixed vegetables.

Jaden William, of course, fixes most things on his own.  He fixes breakfast for us at least once a week.  His favorite thing to make is pancakes.  He does a good job.

What We've Been Eating (and Drinking)...

Does anyone love food pictures as much as I do?  Mmmm!  Pumpkin pie, homemade corn dogs, popcorn, salad (lettuce, chicken, cucumbers, carrots, cannabis seeds, and optional tomatoes, as I'm reacting to them again), zucchini muffins with sweetened cream cheese, chicken noodle soup, fried cube steak with mashed potatoes and white gravy and green beans, cranberry-orange muffins, and beef pepperoni pizza.

 Cold weather calls for hot cocoa!  AND little kosher marshmallows, too!

My friend Chel invited me to subscribe to Graze, which I did.  You select things you'd be willing to try, mark things you absolutely never want, and then you get surprised every two weeks with a nibble box.  This is what was in my box:

 I didn't want to keep it all to myself, so we had a little family fun. We all sat at the dining room and equally divided the stuff between us all (no nuts for babe).  It was so funny.  So it really was a very small snack for us all, but I thought it was fun.  The first box was free.  I canceled, though, because we cannot really afford it, considering the small amount you get for the price, because I can put together my own things for cheaper in the bulk section of my co-op.

What Else We've Been Doing...

Jaden William setting up the chessboard to play against his daddy

I had announced we were about to go outside, but Olivia had drawn a picture (right) of all of us (poor Na is in the middle under the scribble, as she was mad at him), and Trusten decided to quickly draw a picture, and quickly he did.  He boasted that he drew that many people so quickly.  But of course, it doesn't look as good as most of the people he can make.  I still love it!

We traded both our vehicles in for one truck, and now Elizabeth must sit forward-facing. 

Nathan has been taking two classes this fall (Accounting I and Personal Finance).  He's got an A in both, still, and this is his last week.  Hoping he finishes well.  Here he's pictured in our few minutes of relaxation after dinner, and while Jaden William worked on a puzzle, and the other three played in the living room, Nathan and I played on "Words with Friends" on our iPhones, against each other and against family and friends.   

I use natural plant dye for my hair now to cover the wide skunk strip that runs down the middle of my head. I'm pictured below taking a self-portait in the bathroom with my head covered.  And I'm thrilled to have another red vehicle and saving money.  I've been trying to finish reading some things and getting caught up on things and reordering how I do some things, because I will be starting college classes next spring semester.

Well, that's it for now!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Look at you! :) Which hair color do you use? And WHERE do you find kosher marshmallows?

    All that food looks good and I love your little helpers. :)

    I don't think I am getting your emails anymore. I am reading in my Feedly on my phone.
