Saturday, October 29, 2011

Candlemaking and Penpalship


Jaden recently decided he wanted to try his hand at candlemaking.  I'm not sure what gave him the idea.  He's always coming up with new ideas, and this just happens to be one of the latest.  As mentioned in a previous post, he bought everything himself with money he'd saved from his allowance, money he's earned elsewhere, gift money, etc.  He's good about saving money. 

Here are his materials, including many of his jars with which he started:

He also got a book to help him learn:

He's learned some from his mistakes, too.  He's definitely in the beginner's stage, but he's done everything all by himself, so I think he's doing a pretty good job thus far.  He's sold a few already.  If you're interested in one, he'd like to know.  He's made votive candles and larger candles. 

He's still working on judging the proper measurements.  He didn't put enough wax in two candles (a light green and a dark green one), so he added more wax later, deciding to make the one into a two-color candle, and the green one is a three-tone green:

So far he has only bought blue and green dyes and only strawberry flavoring (perhaps not so matching with the colors, but that was what he wanted to do). 

Since our house is under construction and the stove not available for his use, he was given permission to use the wood stove.  He melts his wax in a double boiler, bought used off Ebay:

A Penpal

Jaden also has a pen pal now, the youngest child of a dear brother and sister in Christ I've known for over a year from Kenya.  His name is Young, and he just recently turned nine years of age, so he's almost a year older than Jaden William.  Jaden replied and sent his first letter two days ago.

Some other fun pictures…

Jade's newest addition to his bird nest collection:

Jaden, Olivia, and Trusten with their dump trucks.  Trusten has his in man position, as he likes to pretend his truck is a Transformer:

Olivia showing me her pick of wild onions:

Coming soon:  a review on some things we've been reading, a fun study with caterpillars for Trust and Liv, and a study and experiment on tornadoes due to Trusten's interest.

Until next time...

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