Saturday, October 1, 2011

Feast of Trumpets!

Feast of Trumpets

This year Trumpets started the evening of September 28 on the Roman calendar.  The boys helped me make our traditional trumpet-shaped sugar cookies, and Jaden William blew the shofar for the new moon and annual holy day.

Jaden cutting trumpets out of the dough

Trusten using the trumpet cookie cutter

All the children received rewards this year.  You might remember that we decided the boys should not receive rewards last year.  They've both had some behavior problems this year, but overall they've been pleasing.  Trusten has cycled in and out of some really bad behavior streaks, but he's just more challenging to train due to a very spirited personality, and food allergies and other problems exacerbate the problem.  Things have been getting better over time.  Liv is a very sweet girl overall, very polite and loving, though she can be a devil, too.  The boys' journals were ready for their new reward letters from us, but I forgot to fix Liv a journal, so I still must do that.

We got them bean bags this year, and Nathan picked them up the day before the Trumpets evening started, and he left them in his truck.  After the kids were asleep, he got them out, and we assembled them and set them up in the living room.  We thankfully were able to wake up and be in the living room before they woke up the next morning, and so we got to enjoy their excited reactions.

Jade, Trust, and Liv on their new cotton bean bags
Jaden also got the entire set of Adventures of Tintin graphic novels.  They're in hardback, a very nice set.  He has already informed me that he LOVES them.  There are three books in each volume, and he's read through one book and is already well into another one!  The first night he started reading the first book with his Light Wedge, and when I went into their room to snuggle and tell them good night, he started excitedly telling me what had happened so far.  Trust and Liv got new stainless steel canteens.  Trust had one, and Liv had none.  I've been letting Liv use Trusten's, and Trusten has used small glasses, but I really don't like him to use glasses, and of course I despise plastic, but I'd been using the crap for Liv.  :-(  BPA-free, but still it's plastic--unhealthful and non-biodegradable.  They all three got a small gift of new modeling clay sticks.

In the late morning we went outside, and I went over the Trumpets lesson and reviewed all the seven holy days and feasts and their plan in salvation, out on a blanket. 

Feast maps, Trumpets scriptures, and Trumpets matching game cards that I made a few years ago

I added something else fun this year.  Jaden has requested a pinata for his next birthday, and I plan to do that, but I decided to surprise them all with a pinata for Trumpets.  I could not find a trumpet or shofar pinata, so I got a king's crown and incorporated that into the teaching, because after the seventh trumpet and Christ returns and gives rewards to the saints, they will reign as kings and priests with him.  The kids LOVED the pinata, and they enjoyed the organic candy treats with which I'd stocked it. 

Liv got to hit at the pinata first

Daddy helping Liv hit the crown pinata

Trusten's turn to whack the pinata with a stick

What fun for Trusten!

Jaden's turn (yes, the boy put on long johns at some point in the day)

Nathan gave the final blow, and surprise!  Candy came out.

We had a great-tasting feast of grilled tenderloin, macaroni and cheese, and a colorful, delicious, and nutritious garden salad.  The children all had a great day, and Jaden William told me at the end of the day that it was the best Feast of Trumpets yet. 

Who needs a false holy day like Christmas, borrowed from the pagans, when there's the God-ordained holy day of Trumpets which teaches TRUTH rather than lie? 

For my article on how Christmas is a fraud and Trumpets is holy, see here.  For a brief outline of how the feasts outline the TRUE plan of salvation, see this article of mine.

Until next time...

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