Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Gingerbread Man, Animal Collage, Arctic Animals, and Play-Doh Fun

Week of August 18 - August 24:

First Day of Week:

The usual stuff, and then I was able to get a few hours of peace time this afternoon, while Nathan took the kids somewhere. 

The Second through Fifth Days of the Week:

School reading and such.  I did a "Book of the Week" with Trust and Liv on The Gingerbread Man.  

This book's copyright is in 1958, except it's in Roman numerals.  MCMLVIII  It was Nathan's aunt's. We love this story!  It's fun to read over and over.   I love when it comes time to talk in my fox's voice and say, "Very good...very good, indeed!"  

I made gingerbread cookies, and though I cut back on the ginger from the recipe I decided to follow, they were still way too gingery!  I think they'd have been good otherwise (and were certainly better than the last time I made them with a different recipe back when JW was still a toddler).  Olivia liked them, though...and so did the chickens!

 I made lots of little ones with a cookie cutter, and then I made one really big one, cut manually with a butter knife, and I think I did a good job, but the head broke off before I took a picture of it. 

Sabbath Day:

I discussed the character traits of the characters in The Gingerbread Man and went over a few scriptures.  We especially talked about pride (gingerbread man), stealing (fox), and the benefit of using clever-mindedness over physical exertion, since every person and animal that chased after the running cookie failed, but the fox won a tasty treat by his logic.

We had a great day of spiritual learning and refreshment and a nice time in the creation, including taking the kids to Roaring River in the late afternoon to swim.

Week of August 25 - August 31:

First Day of Week:

I cleaned the house, while Nathan worked on painting the outside of our house, and later in the day he took all the kids away for awhile so I could enjoy a few hours of peace!!!  

Math Day:  Math, nothing special.

Art and Music Day:  We sang some hymns, as I really would like the kids to know by heart some of my favorite Christian hymns.  Maybe some of them will become their favorites, too.  

Jaden William finally did his animal collage!!!  I printed pictures for it nearly two years ago!  He only used a small fraction of the pictures (saving the others to put in his album), and he spread the pictures out on his poster board (he chose black).  He's got plenty of space to add more pictures over the years.  When I'm able, I'll print more animal pictures of his choosing, starting back a year and a half to two years ago.

I let the other kids play with Play-Doh, making whatever they wanted to make.  I, of course, like butterflies, so I made a butterfly with the same colors as the painted lady butterflies that we raised from caterpillars.

They got to use their new Melissa and Doug fun kit for their Play-Doh.   

Trusten made a blue turtle, and Liv made all sorts of colorful creatures, not neglecting to use her favorite color, pink.  The orange and black butterfly is mine. I used a cookie cutter for the orange.

I helped Liv use the cookie cutter to cut out of pink butterfly, which she then decorated.  I think Trusten is holding up a mushroom.  Jaden William is rolling out squares for something.

Jaden William decided to join us for Play-Doh fun.  I don't know what his strange thing is there with the wild colors.  Of course, you can see Olivia decided she wanted a turtle, after Trusten had made one, and then she wanted a star to decorate. 

History and Geography Day:

I think Jaden's three history lessons for this day were listed on the last post...not sure.  Trusten learned about animals on different continents, and we went back and focused on Antarctica, and afterward he decorated his Arctic page in his Around the World book, some reading this may remember (he's decorated about half the scenes now).  I explained that some of the same animals live on both poles--the Arctic and Antarctic.

Nice! I like it!  Don't ask me why that musk ox or whatever it is is suspended in the air.  Maybe he and its friend are jumping to the other ice sheet?

Science Day: We read Ranger Rick, finished up anatomy with Jaden William, with the topic of genetics.  I had planned a DNA extraction from an onion, because instructions were included in an AIG magazine a friend had sent me (whereas I'd planned on buying a kit at some point), but Jaden William declared that it was absolutely stupid and a waste of a good onion, just to see some slimy stuff. Well, maybe... I wonder whether we could put it under our microscope, though, and see details.  We haven't done it as of yet. 

I went over a lesson on plant science with Trusten. 

The boys work on language lessons nearly every day, and JW does spelling once or twice a week, four lessons at a time, usually (same base words, mostly, with different endings in the four lessons).

Sixth Day:  Sabbath prep (cleaning and cooking).  This was the day JW finished his book report on Gathering Blue.  I tested Liv on alphabet flash cards.  She got all but four or five correct.  She also played phone games.  I spent some time with Elizabeth talking to her and explaining things. 

Sabbath:  I think I will only include Sabbath highlights in my monthly "Things We've Done..." posts. Sooo...

Until Next Time...

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